
The activity or process of producing images by the action of taking photographs is called photography. Now a day’s photography has an important role in advertisements. Advertising and marketing is an important part of selling products and services.  This is not just true in business, but also for local authorities, charities and educational establishments. Images can perform many functions from catching a prospective customer’s eye, simplifying concepts, enhancing the appeal of a product or service, or just pulling together an idea.

But it is often the part of an advertising campaign that is left to last, but strong photographs in advertising can make the difference between being just “okay” to being very effective. Photographs play an important role in advertising and marketing because they can tell a story. As the ancient Chinese proverb so rightly stated: “one picture is worth ten thousand words”.

Package Offers

SL No.DescriptionQuantityPrice
01Product Photography
Package 1.
Quantity: at actual
Including editing.
BDT 7,000
02Product Photography
Package 2
Per product
Including editing.
BDT 100
03Product Photography
Package 3.
25 product
Including editing.
BDT 2,000
04Wedding Photography
Package 1. • Photographer: 1 Top Photographer • Event Duration: 4 Hours • Number of Pictures: Unlimited (All post processed) • Specially Edited Photos: 100 copies
at actual
Minimum quantity.
BDT 12000
05Wedding Photography
Package 2. • Photographer: 1 Top Photographer with 1 Top Associate Photographer. • Event Duration: 4 Hours • Number of Pictures: Unlimited (All post processed) • Specially Edited Photos: 100 copies
At Actual
upto 4 hour
BDT 15000
06Wedding Photography
Package 3. • Photographer: 1 Senior Photographer with 1 Top Associate Photographer. • Event Duration: 4 Hours • Number of Pictures: Unlimited (All post processed) • Specially Edited Photos: 100 copies
At actual
Upto 4 hour
BDT 20000
07Wedding Photography
Package 4. • Photographer: 1 Senior Photographer with 1 Top Photographer and 1 Top Associate Photographer. • Event Duration: 5 Hours • Number of Pictures: Unlimited (All post processed)
At actual
Up to 4 hours
BDT 30000
08Event Photography
Fair, Fashion Show, Birthday Party
Per Day
open to discussion
BDT 6,500